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Brighton Music Lessons offers one-to-one lessons in Piano, Singing, Music Theory, Songwriting

and Music Technology.


We teach from 2 Mount Drive in Saltdean, Brighton, and online via Zoom, Tuesdays to Saturdays.


Monthly subscriptions cost £100 for children (weekly) and from £80 for adults (usually fortnightly),

with breaks for Easter, August and Christmas.


Please WhatsApp on 07935798256 or email for more information.


Our full terms and conditions can be downloaded here.

2 octaves on a plain, black and white piano keyboard
2 octaves on a plain, black and white piano keyboard
The logo of Brighton Music Lessons, containing the name in bright orange letters, and an outline of the Brighton Pavilion in dark brown colour. There is a seagull on top of the pavilion with a music note by his beak.
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